- Racism
- Under Age Sex
- Discrimination
- Corruption
Under age sex is used as the cause for Tom to be arrested. Fathers are very protective of their daughters and given this reason the father character will use it against Tom. Given the father's high position as a politician he is able to push the punishment for Tom
Discrimination was chosen as along with racism, this has increased drastically. Racism is only one form of discrimination as well as others such as religion, gender and sexuality. In this case Tom is being judged on his race and that he has a criminal conviction of something he did not commit. It is the law that employees are employed through the Equal Opportunities Act however for the film this will not be the case.
Corruption was chosen as this is common today for politicians to be corrupt. Having the father character be a BNP corrupt politician gave the story drive to have Tom arrested as he is a high power figure and his policies for upholding british workers first and immigration stoppage would be his reasons for doing so. There is also corruption amongst companies today that do not hire people equally and turn away those they feel they do not want. For the film the corruption will lay with the employer/company that choose not to hire Tom as he has a criminal conviction and he is black, creating a stereotypical view that he is a bad person which is wrong for doing so. The film will point this out and show that this type of selection is wrong and that everybody should be emplyed equally.
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